
My Summer 2017 Reading List

I just love knowing what other people are reading. Call me nosy, but I just like to know!! I’m so…

My Current Favorite Earrings

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to jewelry, I go through phases. There was a period of time that I lived in diamond stud earrings and focused mainly on amazing statement necklaces. (You may remember the story I told years ago about that time I had to have my diamond studs literally CUT OUT OF MY EARS lol… so traumatizing!) For a long time, I did bracelets on bracelets on bracelets and tons of rings. (Now, I’m more into a medium sized arm party on one arm and maybe two rings.) Lately, I’ve focused a lot more on statement EARRINGS.

Pinks + Poms

Isn’t this the MOST fun top?? This pink pom pom top basically checks off all the boxes of things I…

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