After a few days in Boston, the girls and I were ready to hit the road and visit Nantucket! I was so, so excited to head to the island… I’d never been before and have heard so many stories about what a gorgeous spot it is… truly a must-see! While it’s currently off-season for Nantucket, we were actually excited to check it out and be able to explore the town without it being overrun with tourists. (And, let’s be honest, we wanted to get some good photos without any people in the background haha!)
But… how are 4 blogger gals with (as you may recall) 16 suitcases to get from one place to the other? Yep. Dilemma. Luckily, our friends at Hertz had the perfect solution. A giant Infiniti SUV. It was PERFECT! Not gonna lie, felt sort of like a celeb in our SUV lol! Picking up the Hertz SUV at the airport was painless and easy. The team was super helpful and even checked in with us after we hit the road to make sure all was well. The car itself was a dream… buttery leather interior, chic details. And of course… fit all of our stuff which was a major key. The nav system was MUCH appreciated! We were so worried about missing the ferry, we felt a lot better knowing that we’d be getting solid directions there. (Plus, Jaime had heard that sometimes your phone’s nav doesn’t work too well in the city, so we were relieved to have a backup plan, just in case!)
We had to drive from Boston to Hyannis and then catch the ferry to Nantucket. On the way, we had two main objectives. 1) Pumpkins. 2) Starbucks. Because, of course. After we had been on the road for awhile, Nina suddenly screeched as we spotted/passed this adorable farm stand, Crow Farm in Sandwich. Lawren obviously made an immediate U-turn. I mean. PUMPKINS. (Clearly, as you can see, we had already found the Starbucks 😉 )
After a quick stop at the farm stand, we had to HUSTLE to get to Hyannis in time for the ferry! When we finally got to the dock, we got Looks. The looks we always get, of course. So many girls, so many bags lol! We were definitely used to it by then. You can sit outside or inside on the ferry, but since it was chilly and windy, we opted for INSIDE. When we arrived in Nantucket, the real fun began. I say that… as sarcastically as possible. If you’ve never been to Nantucket… just know… the streets? COBBLESTONES. SO MANY COBBLESTONES. Our hotel was a 10 minute walk from the ferry. And we dragged our bags the whole way there. Don’t ask why. We thought it would be easier than it was. PS: rolling a giant suitcase on cobblestones is an Adventure if ever there was one. I do not recommend it lol. By the time we got to the hotel, we were dying. (Could not have wished harder that we could’ve brought the SUV with us to Nantucket!)
Lawren from Saltwater and Stilettos

Jaime from Sunflowers and Stilettos
Can’t wait to share more about the AMAZING hotel we stayed at in Nantucket, as well as share some cute Nantucket outfits… stay tuned tomorrow and next week! Thanks for reading.
Hertz loaned us an SUV in exchange for this post. All opinions are, as always, my own. Thank you for supporting the brands who support A Sparkle Factor!
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