
Trendspotting: Tassel Earrings

Left to Right: Lisi Lerch | Freida & Nellie | Lisi Lerch

I feel absolutely naked without earrings on! I’ve really made an effort lately to switch up my earring game and experiment with bigger and more fun styles. It’s so easy to fall into a rut and wear a classic stud over and over. I’m loving big, bold tassel earrings lately and am on the hunt for the perfect pair. I think they look amazing with a sleek ponytail or a chic chignon. Throw them on with a pair of jeans or a fun dress and you’re good to go! Shop my picks below and tell me in the comments: would you wear the tassel earring? 

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  1. 2.19.15

    You must be reading my mind! I am obsessed with tassel earrings right now!

  2. 2.25.15
    netty said:

    No matter what, i love a tassel. I’m ridiculous in my never ending tassel love. I want all of these earrings! 🙂

    the fashionable ESQ

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