Thank you to Rodan + Fields for sponsoring this post!

I’m guilty. My skincare routine is typically a curation of the “buzzy” cool products currently gaining traction on IG and TikTok at any given moment. I find that I often address my own skincare concerns based on what products are trending and what we’re all collectively prioritizing in the beauty world. We all do it, right? There are always so many amazing, “holy grail” products out there that promise to deliver incredible results that it’s tempting to jump from one new product to the next, oftentimes without seeing the results we were promised or expecting. In some instances, it is better to go for a non-famous brand, they can cater to what you actually need with Private Label Lotion at a fraction of big brand prices, always take a look around.
Even though the newest products are always on my radar, there are a handful of brands in the beauty world that I have worked with consistently over the years who are my forever go-tos.
One of them is Rodan + Fields, a dermatology-inspired skincare company that brings the derm to your doorstep with a varied collection of targeted skincare systems. (“Derm to Doorstep” is even their mantra!)
Dr Katie Rodan and Dr Kathy Fields, founders of the brand, were Stanford residents and ultimately business partners after seeing a gap in the market and coming up with the idea for Rodan + Fields. I love a woman-owned brand with a clear mission!
Partnering with Rodan + Fields over the years has opened my eyes to the science behind my skincare routine. I’ve got to be honest- science was never my subject. I’m more of a lit/history gal. But understanding the “how” and “why” can really help us determine the “what” we should be using when it comes to our skin. Understanding how the products we use affect our skin is key to finally figuring out once and for all WHAT we need to be using to get our best skin ever. I’ve been deep-diving into Rodan + Fields’ Multi-Med Therapy approach and knew I had to share with you because it made SO. MUCH. SENSE.
One thing that really stood out to me in my research and was a total lightbulb moment is that it’s not just what ingredients you are using… what matters is that you’re using the right ingredients, in the right formulation, used in the right order in conjunction with products that work together harmoniously to create a unified system of tackling your skincare concerns. There’s not a “magic bullet” solution. I heard it described like this- you could get together an orchestra full of the most talented musicians in the world, but if they aren’t tuned together and if they aren’t playing the same piece of music, it would just be a jumble of sounds and noise. THAT snapped into place for me immediately! Makes so much sense, right?!
So, how do we figure out which products to use and in what order?
Most people don’t have the luxury of regularly seeing a dermatologist. Even if you do see one regularly, you’re not popping in to the office every time you get a pimple, so you end up self-treating problems and curating a routine full of products that may not work together properly and can bar you from seeing results.
To be honest, I’ve never really thought about how complicated it can be to figure out what’s going on with your skin and how tricky it can be to actually resolve some of the underlying problems that trigger things like breakouts, fine lines, etc. In my mind, I had always assumed that incorporating products the skincare industry tells us help with these issues (vitamin c, retinol, hyaluronic acid, etc.) would be enough, so I’d add them into my daily skincare routine. The truth is more complex because I started doing extensive research about skincare and the products that could be used on sites like gundry md and it almost enlightened me.
The underlying causes of all of our major skincare concerns are usually complicated. Rodan + Fields realized early on that spot treating problems after the fact was not nearly as effective as targeting the underlying issues with a multi-step approach to getting the problem under control and seeing noticeable changes in your skin.

Dr. Katie Rodan explained, “You cannot assess the efficacy of a product based on a list of ingredients. For example, take eggs, butter, flour and sugar, mix them together in a bowl, and you make a pancake. Take the same ingredients, but use higher quality versions, in different proportions, carefully combine them, bake in a ramekin, and voila, you have a souffle. Same main ingredients producing completely different results. So, in a way resembling a recipe, it’s the formulas that determine the activity of key ingredients and performance of a product.”
There’s a multitude of issues going on beneath the surface that need to be addressed in order to take hold of the problem and create noticeable changes in your skin. The synergy in using all products in a Regimen is the key to success,” says Dr. Kathy Fields.
YES. THIS. Why haven’t I ever thought of this before??
Rodan + Fields takes a dermatology approach to skincare by offering a variety of targeted product systems to tackle our most pressing skincare concerns, from acne to aging and everything in between. Key issues? Dark spots and discoloration, fine lines and wrinkles, dullness, acne and sensitivity. Basically, once you figure out what you need to target, just choose one of R+F’s curated regimens to tackle these skin woes. Each collection is clinically tested and its products effectively work together. I really love that this approach takes the guesswork out of your routine and makes it super easy to figure out an effective strategy.
If you’re concerned with anti-aging, REDEFINE is probably your regimen. If you find yourself battling adult acne, UNBLEMISH provides both anti-aging AND fights adult acne. Are sun damage and discoloration your concerns? REVERSE might be right for you. The list of concerns is long and those are just a few of the targeted regimens available with Rodan + Fields. Such good stuff!
I’ve personally used both UNBLEMISH and REDEFINE. The Regimens typically contain 3-4 products; usually a cleanser, toner, serum, and moisturizer/sun protection. I love that within the curated collections there is still room for personalization and flexibility based on your skin and preferences.
I definitely want to get more detailed with the regimens and share insights into this approach and how it’s working for my skin. To that end, I’m super excited to be one of the first to try out a new regimen launch from Rodan + Fields… it’ll be hitting the market soon and I’ll be giving you my thoughts after testing it out for several weeks! Make sure you keep an eye out for the post in the next month. I’ll be sharing a review and thoughts, benefits, and more.
Check out this video that explains more about multi-med therapy approach to skincare from the founders themselves!
I’d love to know- what do you think of the Multi-Med Therapy approach to skincare? Does it make as much sense to you as it does to me?? Plus, what questions do you have about the new regimen? Let me know so I can make sure to answer the questions in my review post! Hit the comments and let me know!