
Happy New Year! My 2015 Resolutions

Welcome to 2015, loves! Happy, happy new year. I hope that this new year brings lots of love, prosperity and style for you all. I took a little break over the holidays to re-focus and recharge and I’m back and ready to go! Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been thinking a lot about 2015 and what I want to get out of it, where I want to be in 2016, and how I’m going to get there. You really can’t get where you’re going if you don’t know where that is. Goal setting is the first step to success.

Write more.

I love writing. It’s my favorite part of the job and my favorite part of A Sparkle Factor. Many fashion bloggers aren’t necessarily writers; they’re more models and stylists. I’ve always loved the writing side and want to do much more of it going forward. More posts that are less about outfits and more about style, news, opinions. And really, just… more.

Post more often.

On A Sparkle Factor’s 1st birthday, I told you all that in the new year I was going to put out content 7 days a  week instead of 5. The new year is here! I’m doing it. Stay tuned.

Always be learning.

I love blogging and the digital world. It’s always evolving and changing and there are always new things to learn. While I’ve learned quite a bit in the past year about the online world, there’s so much I DON’T know. I want to learn more about graphic design, coding, social media, everything. There are so many amazing resources out there, there’s never been a better time to take advantage of them and grow yourself.

Be more ruthless in editing my personal wardrobe.

This was a resolution I made last year and am making again this year. It’s something we always have to push ourselves to do. We develop sentimental attachments to our wardrobes, which is why it helps to bring in an objective third party when we’re doing a major edit. (Which is a service I offer, by the way.) Having a streamlined wardrobe makes choosing an outfit easier and faster, while also ensuring that you’ll make a good decision because you’ve purged your closet of all the bad ones.

Only take on projects I am wildly passionate about.

I get approached about so many projects that I’m often tempted to take for a variety of reasons except for the most important one- that I am EXCITED and passionate about them. I think that I’ve been good about only working with brands and companies I love and believe in, but I want to make an even stronger commitment to this as things ramp up in 2015.

Grow my business.

This is a big one. And an obvious one, I would think. I’m really excited about all the wonderful things that 2015 has in store, and I’m excited to grow A Sparkle Factor and A Sparkle Factor LLC.

Host a Twitter Chat.

I love Twitter chats. If you follow me on Twitter, there’s a good chance that we know each other from Twitter chats. My personal favorites are #StyleChat with the lovely gals over at StyleCaster on Wednesdays at 3pm, #ChicChat with the PopCosmo ladies every Tuesday at 9pm and #BeautyChat with Beauty High every Friday at 2pm. In 2015, I want to launch #SparkleChat on Tuesday night at 9:30, which is immediately after #ChicChat. We always seem to want to extend the time, so I thought I’d host my own half hour afterwards! Hope you’ll join in. The very first #SparkleChat will be on Tuesday, February 3rd.

Updated 1/13: I decided to launch #SparkleChat on Feb 3 instead of January 13th as previously posted. Things have just been too crazy to promote it as much as I needed to before the launch date!

Finally launch SparkleMail.

I’ve talked a lot about SparkleMail the past year, it’s been something I’ve really wanted to get started. This year, it’s finally happening. What is SparkleMail? It’ll be a weekly newsletter catching you up on all you may have missed over the week at A Sparkle Factor, plus exclusive sale codes, event invitations, and content. It’s going to be really great and I can’t wait to get it started. Make sure that you sign up here to be on the list.

Tell me in the comments: what are your new year’s resolutions? Did you make any?

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  1. 1.5.15
    Alissa said:

    I LOVE the idea of a twitter chat. I honestly am so afraid of hosting one and no one participating! What are your tips?

    • 1.5.15

      Alissa, that’s been a big fear of mine, too! I’m really just figuring it out as I go along… I’m sure the first few will be a bit quieter, but I’m feeling confident that it’ll hopefully catch on. I’ll let you know my tips after I launch it and (I’m sure!) make many, many mistakes! 🙂 Hope you’ll join in! xx

  2. 1.5.15
    City Mitten said:

    The key to a successful Twitter chat is having some people on-hand committed to participate ahead of time! Then people will naturally join in. Can’t wait to see it!

    • 1.5.15

      Thanks, Amanda! That’s actually a great tip. I was thinking about doing that! (Can I count on you?!) xx

  3. 1.11.15
    signe said:

    I definitely like your resolutions! While I’m absolutely horrible at keeping them, myself, I definitely want to start writing more, continue to grow my business and learn to say no to doing things I don’t wholeheartedly feel into doing!
    : signe : the daily savant :
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